Nghĩa của từ globule|globules bằng Tiếng Anh


[glob·ule || 'glɑbjuːl /'glɒb-]

small globe; small round object; drop

Đặt câu với từ "globule|globules"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "globule|globules", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ globule|globules, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ globule|globules trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Having the shape a globe or globule ; spherical.

2. Another Bok globule is in the foreground.

3. A Bok globule nicknamed the caterpillar appears at the right.

4. Globules of wax fell from the candle.

5. Les Basophiles sont des globules blancs produits dans la moelle osseuse

6. Bubble definition is - a small globule typically hollow and light: such as

7. AIM : To provide a rapid method for identifying fruit of Eucalyptus globule labill.

8. The disease is caused by globules of fat blocking the blood vessels.

9. The shape of a liquid globule in a free - falling elevator is calculated.

10. It is impossibls to rehydrate a mucus globule once it has become dehyrated.

11. Les Basophiles sont des globules blancs dont les noyaux contiennent des granules

12. Some meteorites betray traces of proteinoid globules, the precursors of living cells.

13. Microgram quantities of silver are quantitatively deposited into mercury globules from nitric acid solutions (ca.

14. 24 The disease is caused by globules of fat blocking the blood vessels.

15. A small nugget of cold molecular hydrogen, called a Bok globule, is silhouetted against the cluster.

16. Key words: protein structure, protein folding, denaturation, aggregation, multimeric proteins, protein fibrils, hydrophobicity, molten globule state.

17. Microgram quantities of palladium are quantitatively deposited into mercury globules from various acid solutions.

18. The ice cubes will help to cool the soup and attract any fat globules.

19. A thin film of liquid forming a hollow globule around air or a gas: a soap Bubble. 2

20. The largest pond as sensitive to atmospheric changes as the globule of mercury in its tube.

21. A great but peculiar example of these is Cometary Globule 12, or CG 12, which is about 2,200 light years from Earth

22. Drop, ball, mass, pearl, lump, bead, dab, droplet, globule, glob, dewdrop a Blob of chocolate mousse 2

23. They are small, round, Basophilic globules that occur in a linear pattern within the dentin layer

24. Graphite also occurs as globules and massive fine-grained aggregates frequently forming concentric pipe-like structures.

25. The Mount was a shadow in the air and the iron railings along the promenade dripped globules of moisture.